Hailey Glassman Admits To Stealing Television From Jon Gosselin

Radar-Online has posted an exclusive interview with Hailey Glassman’s attorney, Stephanie Ovadia. Stephanie claims that Hailey removed the television and other belongings from Jon Gosselin’s apartment but that Glassman DID NOT butcher Jon’s belongings or leave any notes behind.

Hailey Glassman is pretty much totally off the hook now as the police can’t use her fingerprints from the apartment since she used to live there and now, even though she was caught on camera around the time of the butchering… Hailey has a legitimate excuse for being there.

Whether Hailey Glassman took part in butchering Jon Gosselin’s apartment or not is quickly becoming irrelevant since there won’t be any physical evidence to support a criminal case against her.

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